Heroes Evolved Tier List

Tier List - Netdragon Websoft Inc,

Updated on August 4, 2024

Welcome to the world of Heroes Evolved, an exhilarating free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that pits teams of five players against each other in fierce strategic battles. This global phenomenon has captivated players worldwide with its extensive roster of over 120 unique heroes, each boasting diverse abilities and playstyles. When you engage in Heroes Evolved, collaboration, skill, strategy, and quick thinking are paramount for victory.

Heroes Evolved Tier List 2024 [Netdragon Websoft Inc,]

As with any competitive game, understanding which heroes excel in various situations can significantly impact your chances of success. This brings us to the all-important Heroes Evolved tier list, a comprehensive breakdown ranking heroes based on their overall performance, abilities, and suitability in the current meta. In this article, we will dive deep into the tier list, categorizing the heroes and exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you choose the perfect match for your playstyle.

S Tier – The Best of the Best

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Strengths: Astra shines as a versatile mage with exceptional crowd control and burst damage. Her abilities allow her to deal significant area damage while keeping enemies at bay. Additionally, her mobility makes it easy for players to reposition during combats, creating opportunities to turn the tide of a battle.

Weaknesses: Despite her power, Astra is reliant on careful positioning and timing. A poorly executed ultimate can leave her vulnerable, and her low health pool makes her susceptible to assassins and burst damage heroes.


Strengths: Thorne is an exceptional tank who excels at initiating team fights. With a robust frontline presence and crowd control abilities, he can absorb massive amounts of damage while disrupting the enemy team’s strategies. His ultimate can quickly turn fights, providing crucial advantages.

Weaknesses: While Thorne is a strong tank, he lacks mobility and can be kited by agile heroes. Players need to be wary of positioning as he can be easily overwhelmed if isolated.

A Tier – Strong Choices


Strengths: Nova is an outstanding support hero capable of healing allies and providing shields. Her ability to control the battlefield with well-timed crowd control skills makes her immensely valuable to any team composition.

Weaknesses: While Nova is strong in defensive capabilities, she lacks direct damage output and is relatively squishy. If caught out of position, she can be taken down quickly.


Strengths: Shad is a formidable assassin, dealing massive burst damage in quick succession. His ability to ambush targets makes him a fearsome opponent in the game, and he can quickly eliminate key threats.

Weaknesses: Shad relies on careful positioning and timing to secure kills. If he misses his combo, he can be left vulnerable, making him prone to counterattacks.

B Tier – Good, but Situational


Strengths: Blaze is a warrior with respectable damage and tank capabilities. His versatility makes him suitable in various roles, allowing him to fit into different team compositions effectively.

Weaknesses: While Blaze is a capable fighter, he often struggles against heavily armored opponents. His damage output can trail off in late-game scenarios if proper itemization is not accomplished.


Strengths: Leona excels at zone control and frontline presence. Her abilities allow her to disrupt enemy engagements and provide utility for allies. She also possesses decent sustain, making her a valuable asset in team fights.

Weaknesses: Leona can be situationally weak against mobile champions who can disengage swiftly. Additionally, she lacks burst damage, which can hinder her effectiveness in certain matchups.

C Tier – Situational Picks


Strengths: Garen is a straightforward hero suitable for newer players. He has decent sustain and can deal substantial damage, especially with his ultimate, which can finish off enemies unexpectedly.

Weaknesses: Garen’s lack of mobility and reliance on auto-attacks make him vulnerable to ranged heroes who can control the battle from a distance. He can struggle against champions who can kite him effectively.


Strengths: Seraph is a support hero with decent healing capabilities and single-target silencing abilities. She can be effective when paired with the right carries, providing essential utility to the team.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Seraph lacks the ability to impact larger team fights significantly. Her effectiveness diminishes against teams that can quickly burst her down before she can apply her healing or disrupt the enemy.

D Tier – Requires Careful Usage


Strengths: Jax is a late-game scaling hero known for his dueling potential. He can become an unstoppable force if properly farmed, able to take down many heroes in 1v1 situations.

Weaknesses: Until reaching critical items, Jax can be particularly weak in the early game. He relies heavily on farming and can struggle against pressure from more aggressive players, making him less viable in early-game skirmishes.


Strengths: Fiora is a high-skill champion capable of dealing significant damage in duels. Her skills enable her to perform well in isolated fights, targeting enemies effectively with her mobility.

Weaknesses: Fiora’s reliance on skillful execution makes her difficult to master. In team fights, she can become a liability due to her squishiness, often getting picked off before being able to contribute meaningfully.

Key Takeaways

In Heroes Evolved, choosing the right hero is essential for success. Each hero comes with unique strengths and weaknesses, which will heavily influence gameplay dynamics. Understanding the current tier list aids players in selecting heroes that best fit their play styles and team compositions. S-tier heroes would serve as reliable options to dominate matches, while A and B tiers offer solid choices in specific contexts.

It’s crucial to remember that the meta in Heroes Evolved is constantly evolving, affected by patches, player strategies, and new hero additions. As such, continuous adaptation is necessary to stay ahead. The tier list serves as a guideline, not a definitive rulebook. Players should experiment with various heroes and find their strengths while considering their teammates’ preferences and tactics.

Whether you’re an experienced player or just starting, a comprehensive understanding of the tier list can give you the edge you need to climb the ranks in Heroes Evolved. Happy gaming, and may your battles be victorious!

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