Battle Night Cyberpunk Tier List

Tier List - FT Games

Updated on August 4, 2024

In the year 2077, as the world teeters on the brink of chaos, digital escapism becomes the pursuit of the masses seeking refuge from a grim reality. Enter “Battle Night Cyberpunk,” an idle role-playing game that captures the essence of a dystopian future where neon lights flicker against a backdrop of technological decay and societal disruption. The game transports players to an underground city rife with conflict between warring factions and cutting-edge gadgets. In this unique environment, players become the architects of their own destiny, assembling teams of heroes to combat evil and uncover sinister plots lurking in the shadows. The following is an in-depth look at the “Battle Night Cyberpunk” tier list, featuring a ranking of characters based on their strengths and weaknesses, driving players to create powerful formations and strategize for victory.

Battle Night Cyberpunk Tier List 2024 [FT Games]


Battle Night Cyberpunk Codes 2024

Neon Phantom

Strengths: The Neon Phantom is a master of stealth and agility, able to evade enemy attacks while dishing out devastating counters. With high critical hit rates and skills that increase damage output when low on health, this character quickly becomes a formidable threat on the battlefield. Their ability to manipulate the shadows and become temporarily invisible allows the Neon Phantom to strike from unexpected angles, inflicting chaos among the ranks of enemies.

Weaknesses: Although quick and deadly, the Neon Phantom lacks durability, making them vulnerable to direct assaults. This character requires strategic support from teammates to survive drawn-out encounters, as their low health pool can quickly be depleted if targeted.


Strengths: The Robo-Warlord is a powerhouse equipped with heavy artillery and armor. This character can absorb massive amounts of damage while dishing out extraordinary firepower, making them ideal for frontline engagements. Their special abilities provide advantageous buffs to allies, enhancing overall team performance in prolonged battles.

Weaknesses: However, the Robo-Warlord’s size and weight come at a cost. Their slower movement and attack speed can be exploited by agile opponents, leaving them at risk of ambushes. Moreover, a lack of mobility makes repositioning difficult during tense scenarios.


Circuit Sorceress

Strengths: The Circuit Sorceress is a tech-savvy mage with control over digital energy. This character excels in area-of-effect attacks, capable of dealing damage to multiple enemies while hindering their ability to act. With an arsenal of electrifying spells and the ability to stun opponents, the Circuit Sorceress provides invaluable crowd control and strategic impact.

Weaknesses: On the downside, the Circuit Sorceress is frail, and when caught in a vulnerable position, can fall to stronger physical attackers. Their reliance on mana and cooldowns means mismanagement can leave them defenseless, so players must utilize their skills judiciously.

Steel Guardian

Strengths: The Steel Guardian serves as a reliable tank, boasting high defense and the ability to draw enemy fire. Its ability to provide shields to allies helps to mitigate incoming damage, allowing teammates to unleash their full potential while under protection.

Weaknesses: However, while the Steel Guardian can absorb damage, their offensive capabilities are relatively weak, and they struggle to eliminate enemies quickly. This character relies heavily on the assistance of damage dealers to finish battles efficiently.


Data Assassin

Strengths: The Data Assassin specializes in locked-on attacks that burst with precision, making them lethal against high-priority targets. Equipped with advanced hacking abilities, this character can disable enemy tech, granting strategic advantages to the team.

Weaknesses: Yet, the Data Assassin must be careful; susceptible to area damage and debuffs, they are less effective in chaotic battles with multiple foes. Players need to manage their positioning carefully to capitalize on their skills without overexposing them to danger.

Psycho Hacker

Strengths: A master manipulator of digital minds, the Psycho Hacker can control enemy characters for a brief time, turning foes into allies. This unique skill can change the course of a battle, especially when used strategically to disrupt formations and sow discord among enemies.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, the Psycho Hacker’s effectiveness relies on enemy intelligence, and in Skirmishes against robotic foes, this impact is diminished. Low base stats for health and defense also make them susceptible to collapsing under pressure without support.


Junkyard Brawler

Strengths: The Junkyard Brawler is a no-nonsense fighter with a penchant for hand-to-hand combat. Their robust physical prowess and adaptability make them an excellent choice for players who prefer straightforward approaches, able to deal consistent damage through melee attacks.

Weaknesses: Despite their brawn, the Junkyard Brawler lacks finesse and magical abilities, making them one-dimensional in battles against magic-focused enemies. Additionally, their lack of range makes encounters with distant attackers particularly challenging.

Drone Sprinter

Strengths: The Drone Sprinter is designed for speed and mobility, allowing quick engagements and evasive maneuvers. Utilizing drones, this character can scout the battlefield and deliver quick bursts of ranged damage, creating distractions for foes.

Weaknesses: However, their reliance on drones ultimately limits their damage output, particularly as they struggle against armored foes. Additionally, the absence of durability means that Drone Sprinters can be easily taken down if caught in the open.


Neon Drifter

Strengths: The Neon Drifter offers a charming, flashy style as an entry-level character, making them suitable for beginners. With simple mechanics and straightforward abilities, this character provides players with a gentle introduction to the game’s concepts.

Weaknesses: However, as players progress, the Neon Drifter quickly falls short in terms of impact and effectiveness in higher-stakes scenarios. Lackluster stats and skills mean they often become a liability in more competitive matches, lacking the unique punch needed to stand out.

Old World Scavenger

Strengths: The Old World Scavenger specializes in resource gathering and survival skills, providing utility to teams in the form of sustenance and crafting items. Their support-oriented abilities assist the team by providing temporary buffs or healing.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, this character is ill-equipped for direct combat scenarios. In an environment dominated by technological prowess and flashy abilities, the Old World Scavenger can easily become sidelined, forced into a supportive role with limited action.

In conclusion, the “Battle Night Cyberpunk” tier list showcases a diverse cast of characters, each contributing unique abilities and playstyles to the game’s dynamic environment. Players must strategically assemble their teams, leveraging strengths, compensating for weaknesses, and adapting to the ever-evolving challenges presented in the neon-lit back alleys of a lawless city. As the narrative unfolds, heroes will rise and fall, alliances will form, and the fate of a cyberpunk world rests in the hands of those wise enough to wield power effectively.

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