Super Mecha Champions Tier List

Tier List - NetEase Games

Updated on August 4, 2024

In the vibrant world of Super Mecha Champions (SMC), players from across the globe converge in a stunning futuristic city, ready to take on the ultimate battle with their extraordinary Mecha. This action-packed game not only presents players with the chance to unleash their powerful Mecha vehicles but also to prove their mettle in gripping confrontations that promise unmatched excitement. With an all-star lineup of formidable Mecha and a plethora of weapons at one’s disposal, players are beckoned to dive headfirst into thrilling combat scenarios. In this article, we delve into a comprehensive tier list that showcases the most powerful Mecha in SMC, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and what makes each one a unique asset in the battlefield.

Super Mecha Champions Tier List 2024 [NetEase Games]

S-Tier Mecha

Super Mecha Champions Codes 2024


Strengths: The Avenger stands out due to its exceptional speed and agility, allowing players to dodge enemy attacks with ease. It is also equipped with precision-guided rockets that can deliver devastating blows from a distance, making it versatile for various combat situations.

Weaknesses: Despite its combat brilliance, the Avenger lacks robust defensive capabilities, making it vulnerable in close-range encounters. Players must strategically maintain distance and rely on their agility to avoid damage.


Strengths: Odin boasts incredible firepower with its dual plasma cannons, delivering high damage per shot. Its shield technology ensures that players can absorb significant damage while dishing out powerful attacks on enemies.

Weaknesses: The Odin can be slow to maneuver due to its bulkiness. Players must ensure they position themselves cleverly, as its slow speed can be exploited by faster opponents.

A-Tier Mecha


Strengths: Zephyr is known for its unparalleled mobility and evasive capabilities. With a rapid-fire laser blaster and swift movement, it can keep enemies guessing and outmaneuver most assaults.

Weaknesses: While Zephyr excels in speed, its firepower is not as formidable as others in the tier. Players may find it challenging to secure kills when engaging in direct confrontations with high-defense Mecha.


Strengths: As a defensive powerhouse, Rampart offers players excellent survivability with its robust armor and powerful shielding capabilities. Its unique ability to create a defensive dome can provide cover for teammates during intense firefights.

Weaknesses: Rampart’s inability to deal heavy damage needs to be compensated with tactical support from teammates. Players relying solely on Rampart may find themselves struggling to secure eliminations on their own.

B-Tier Mecha


Strengths: The Shadow excels in stealth and surprise attacks, making it an ideal choice for ambush tactics. Equipped with homing missiles, it can catch enemies off-guard while remaining hidden.

Weaknesses: While traumatic in ambush scenarios, Shadow lacks utility during head-to-head engagements. The reliance on stealth makes it weaker in direct confrontations against more aggressive Mecha.


Strengths: Offering a balance between speed and damage, Fury is great for aggressive plays. Its flamethrower can handle close-range engagements effectively, while its secondary weapon can assist in longer skirmishes.

Weaknesses: Its shortcomings lie in its defensive capabilities; Fury players must be cautious, as being caught off-guard can lead to quick takedowns.

C-Tier Mecha


Strengths: As its name suggests, Tank provides heavy armor and unmatched durability. The automatic grenade launcher allows it to deal damage even while stationary, proving useful in a supportive role.

Weaknesses: Its slow speed can be a burden, particularly in dynamic battles requiring quick repositioning. Players may find themselves outpaced by faster adversaries.


Strengths: The Rogue is engineered for tactical plays, boasting powerful sniping capabilities. It delivers precise shots that can incapacitate opponents from afar.

Weaknesses: The Rogue is incredibly fragile and, with minimal armor, is susceptible to sustained attacks. Players must exercise caution and utilize cover effectively.

D-Tier Mecha


Strengths: The Scrap Mecha excels in scrap-based weaponry, utilizing makeshift materials for unexpected damage. It can dish out surprising attacks when ignoring standard rules.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Scrap is limited in its effectiveness, especially in high-stakes battles against established Mecha. Players usually struggle to stay competitive with other Mecha.


Strengths: The Scout’s primary strength is reconnaissance, offering critical information to teammates. Equipped with quick-fire weapons, it can perform hit-and-run tactics effectively.

Weaknesses: Lacking in firepower, Scout is often seen as a non-combatant. Players who lean solely on Scout find themselves under-equipped when necessary engagements arise.

As players engage in the exciting, high-octane battles of Super Mecha Champions, understanding the unique capabilities of their chosen Mecha becomes critical. The tier list above highlights not just the balance of strengths and weaknesses among the various Mecha but also emphasizes the importance of strategy. The remarkable blend of combat skills, variety in gameplay, and team coordination allows for diverse experiences that keep players coming back for more.

In conclusion, whether you’re taking control of a towering giant or a speedy stealth fighter, Super Mecha Champions offers an exhilarating arena where strategy and skill can lead you to victory. Selecting the right Mecha for your playstyle can significantly affect your chances of claiming the crown in this captivating world. So gear up, strategize, and get ready to immerse yourself in the action-packed dynamics of SMC – where every battle is a step toward your legacy.

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