Hyper Heroes Tier List

Tier List - HyperJoy

Updated on August 6, 2024

In the colorful and chaotic world of Hyper Heroes, players are tasked with deploying a diverse roster of heroes to battle waves of monsters and other players. The game offers an engaging combination of turn-based combat and strategic thinking, requiring players to design their teams carefully and utilize each hero’s unique abilities effectively. With ongoing updates and various gameplay modes such as PvE and PvP, the game’s dynamics continuously evolve, keeping the experience fresh and exciting. A tier list is an essential resource for players looking to optimize their hero choices, enabling them to achieve victory by understanding each character’s strengths and weaknesses.

Hyper Heroes Tier List 2024 [HyperJoy]

Tier S

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Strengths: Astra is a powerful ranged attacker capable of dealing massive damage from a distance. Her special ability allows her to focus her attacks on a single target, making her devastating in boss fights. Astra’s high agility stat makes her difficult to hit, and she can often dodge incoming attacks.

Weaknesses: While she excels at dealing damage, Astra lacks defensive capabilities and can be taken out quickly if she is caught by melee attackers. Without proper team support, she may struggle to survive in tougher battles.


Strengths: Brutus’s tank-like attributes make him an excellent frontline defender. His high health pool absorbs substantial damage, and he possesses abilities that can draw enemy fire away from more vulnerable teammates. His crowd control skills also help keep foes at bay during frantic battles.

Weaknesses: Brutus struggles with damage output, often relying on teammates to do the heavy lifting. His slow movement can leave him vulnerable to ranged attacks and makes him less effective in mobility-based strategies.

Tier A


Strengths: Fiora is a versatile hero with both damage-dealing and healing capabilities. She can support her teammates while dishing out respectable damage. Her ability to regenerate health for herself makes her a valuable asset during long fights.

Weaknesses: Fiora’s effectiveness is heavily reliant on positioning and timing, making her challenging to master for beginners. In some cases, her healing abilities may not be enough to withstand high burst damage from powerful enemies.


Strengths: Grom is a formidable brawler with high attack power and the ability to stun enemies. His skilled combination of attacks makes him a reliable damage source during battles, helping to quickly eliminate threats before they can strike back.

Weaknesses: While Grom excels in offense, his defensive stats are not the highest, leaving him exposed to powerful single attacks. Grom also lacks area-of-effect skills, limiting his effectiveness against large groups of enemies.

Tier B


Strengths: Luna is an excellent crowd control hero. Her skills can incapacitate enemies, providing precious moments for allies to strike. With decent range and area damage, she can help maintain control over the battlefield.

Weaknesses: Luna’s abilities have long cooldowns, which means players must be strategic in their deployment. When her skills are down, she can become vulnerable to attacks, especially given her lower defense stats.


Strengths: Xander is a support hero with longstanding buffs that can enhance the stats of his teammates significantly. His ability to grant shields provides an invaluable hedge against damage, especially in prolonged battles.

Weaknesses: While Xander excels in support roles, he doesn’t contribute much in terms of raw damage output. His low attack power makes him less useful in offensive strategies, particularly in PvP scenarios.

Tier C


Strengths: Colleen offers decent utility with her minor healing abilities. She can provide just enough sustain to keep lower-health teammates in the fight a bit longer. Her straightforward skills make her approachable for new players.

Weaknesses: Colleen’s healing is not strong enough to counter heavy damage dealers, making her a less reliable option in challenging content. Her damage output is also lackluster, resulting in minimal contributions to battles.


Strengths: Gavi’s unique mechanics allow her to manipulate the battlefield, providing tactical advantages that can disrupt enemy formations. She excels at setting up ambush abilities, and her agility allows her to maneuver with ease.

Weaknesses: Gavi requires meticulous positioning to maximize her potential, which can be daunting for casual players. Her low health means she can quickly become an easy target if caught out of position.

Tier D


Strengths: Pip offers a fun, quirky gameplay style with her area damage skills that can target multiple enemies at once. She’s great for clearing low-health minions and can create chaotic battle scenarios.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Pip’s overall power scaling is inadequate as battles progress. She becomes increasingly less effective against tougher foes, and her lack of team synergy can hinder her value in coordinated plays.


Strengths: Nina can inflict status ailments, providing some crowd control to ease pressure during fights. Her tools for disruption can potentially turn the tide of battle in favor of her team.

Weaknesses: Lack of substantial damage output and survivability makes her feel underwhelming in higher-tier content. Many foes in the later stages can easily outpace her abilities.

In Hyper Heroes, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each character is vital for developing a strategic team that can tackle the challenges in both PvE and PvP mode. By referencing the tier list and analyzing each hero’s capabilities, players can optimize their setups and enhance their chances of success. Whether playing with friends or facing off against opponents, the right mix of heroes can make a significant difference in achieving victory. Enjoy your adventures in the exhilarating world of Hyper Heroes!

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