Mojo Melee Tier List

Tier List - Mystic Moose

Updated on August 29, 2024

Mojo Melee has emerged as an exciting addition to the realm of strategy PvP auto chess battlers, uniquely bringing elements of drafting, positioning, and fierce combat to life. Developed by the indie studio Mystic Moose, this game plunges players into the vibrant and unpredictable world of Planet Mojo, where strategy, creativity, and competition intertwine. With its rich lore and dynamic gameplay, Mojo Melee presents players with endless possibilities for team combinations and strategies. As players experiment with various characters and SpellStones, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each champion can be crucial in creating the perfect lineup for both duels and battle royales. This tier list aims to guide both new and veteran players alike through the diverse cast of characters, helping them make informed decisions that can lead to victory in the fast-paced and thrilling battles that await them.

Mojo Melee Tier List 2024 [Mystic Moose]


Mojo Melee Codes 2024 [v0.4.02]

Champion Alpha

Strengths: Champion Alpha boasts unparalleled versatility, excelling in offense and defense alike. With high damage output and excellent crowd control abilities, Alpha can decimate opponents while also providing utility to allies. Additionally, adaptive skills allow players to face varying team compositions with ease.

Weaknesses: Despite his diverse ability set, Champion Alpha can be quite resource-intensive when upgraded, making early-game sustainability a challenge. If not managed properly, his powers may lead to a slow buildup, leaving players vulnerable in the initial rounds.

SpellMaster Zeta

Strengths: SpellMaster Zeta serves as a powerhouse for teams focusing on spell-based strategies. His spells not only deal significant area damage but also weaken enemy defenses, creating opportunities for allies to strike. Zeta’s utility and power make him central to many winning formations.

Weaknesses: Reliance on spell cooldowns can become a double-edged sword. If opponents manage to interrupt or counter Zeta’s effects, he risks becoming a liability. Additionally, he tends to struggle against resilient characters who can withstand spell damage.


Guardian Terra

Strengths: Guardian Terra shines with her impeccable tanking abilities. High health and shield capabilities make her an ideal front-liner, absorbing damage for teammates. Additionally, her passive healing skills rejuvenate allies, making her indispensable in prolonged battles.

Weaknesses: While Terra excels in survivability, her damage output is notably low. Teams may require additional firepower to complement her tanking prowess, or risk dragging battles into tedious stalemates.

Wraith Nodo

Strengths: Wraith Nodo is an agile striker capable of high burst damage. His unique ability to become ethereal allows him to dodge attacks, making him a tricky target for opponents. Perfect for fast-paced gameplay, Nodo thrives in guerrilla tactics and collective ambushes.

Weaknesses: Due to his fragility, Wraith Nodo can be easily taken down if focuses by multiple opponents. Players must exercise caution when positioning him to ensure he engages safely and effectively.


Beastmaster Koga

Strengths: Koga has the ability to summon various beasts for additional support in battle. This allows players to adapt their strategies mid-game and keep their opponents on their toes. High synergy with nature-based Spellstones enables further enhancement of his summons.

Weaknesses: Koga’s effectiveness relies heavily on positioning. If he is isolated or unable to summon his creatures quickly, his contributions will be minimal. Additionally, the beasts summoned are somewhat fragile and can be cleared by area damage spells.

Rogue Vex

Strengths: Rogue Vex excels in dealing damage from the shadows, utilizing stealth-based attacks to surprise enemies. Her ability to reposition on the battlefield allows her to escape unfavorable confrontations and target weaker opponents.

Weaknesses: Vex’s low health makes her vulnerable when caught in the open or focused down by stronger enemies. Additionally, her stealth abilities can be negated by area-of-effect spells, rendering her less effective in clustered fights.


Paladin Ryu

Strengths: Paladin Ryu is a reliable character with decent stats across the board. He provides balanced attack and defense, making him flexible for a variety of team compositions. His aura can enhance ally attacks, creating a team-oriented synergy.

Weaknesses: While solid, Ryu lacks specialization. His overall balance can be eclipsed by more powerful single-focus characters, leaving him underwhelming in high-tier competitive play.

Trickster Finn

Strengths: Trickster Finn embodies creativity and unpredictability, with abilities that allow him to disrupt enemy formations. His deceitful tactics can skew enemy targeting, causing chaos on the battlefield.

Weaknesses: His reliance on chance-based skills can backfire; when luck isn’t on his side, Finn may render himself ineffective. As a lower-health character, being targeted can easily lead to early elimination.


Warden Cliff

Strengths: Warden Cliff offers basic defensive capabilities and can absorb a small amount of damage. He can serve as a temporary placeholder in teams that lack tank characters.

Weaknesses: His low damage output and limited abilities make him outmatched against higher-tier champions. He’s generally seen as a lesser option even for casual games, relying on reliance rather than effectiveness.

Jester Zolo

Strengths: Jester Zolo possesses charisma and can provide small buffs to allies periodically, albeit inconsistently. His lighthearted abilities add a fun element, providing a slight advantage in morale.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, his benefits are negligible in serious competition, and he often becomes more of a distraction than a contributor. Zolo’s low impact on the battlefield makes advanced players wary of utilizing him.

Overall, the tier list categorizes characters based on their strengths and weaknesses, helping players navigate their choices in forming teams to outsmart opponents through tactical qualities. As you explore the competitive landscape of Mojo Melee, understanding which champions will serve you best in this epic strategic adventure is vital to refining your skills and climbing the ranks. Whether you draft the robust S-Tier champions or experiment with B-C or even D-Tier characters, success lies in how well you strategize and synergize your lineup against countless contenders. With thousands of team combinations at your disposal, every match presents a new opportunity to unleash your creativity and cunning on the battlefield. Ultimately, embrace the thrill of the game and aim for that coveted top-tier status in the electrifying world of Mojo Melee!

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