The Elder Scrolls Tier List

Tier List - Bethesda Softworks LLC

Updated on August 7, 2024

The Elder Scrolls series, renowned for its expansive worlds and intricate lore, continues to captivate both new and veteran players alike. Among its many titles, The Elder Scrolls: Blades emerges as a unique entry. Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, the same minds behind the iconic Skyrim, Blades is a reimagining of classic dungeon crawlers. In this game, players step into the role of the Blades—elite agents of the Empire—who find themselves in dire straits, exiled and returning to a devastated hometown. This article provides a comprehensive tier list, examining various character types within the game, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, and offering insights into their overall utility in gameplay.

The Elder Scrolls Tier List 2024 [Bethesda Softworks LLC]


The Elder Scrolls: Blades Redeem Codes 2024 [v1.31.0.3481802]


Strengths: The Warrior is built to withstand heavy damage and dish out powerful blows. With high health and defense stats, they excel in melee combat, making them formidable in close-range battles. Their special abilities allow them to recover health during fights, ensuring they remain in battle longer.

Weaknesses: While the Warrior is great in melee, they lack versatility in ranged attacks. Their slower movement speed can also be a disadvantage when facing agile enemies.


Strengths: The Mage possesses powerful area-of-effect spells and can sustain major damage from a distance. With a vast arsenal of offensive magic, they can control the battlefield, inflicting widespread devastation on opponents. Mages can also provide utility through healing spells, benefiting their team significantly.

Weaknesses: Mages often have lower defense and health, making them vulnerable in close-quarters combat. Players need to maintain their distance, or they risk being overwhelmed by faster melee fighters.



Strengths: Rogues are masters of stealth and agility. Their ability to move silently allows them to deal critical damage before the enemy even realizes they’re there. Coupled with their speed, they can evade attacks and reposition themselves, applying constant pressure in battle.

Weaknesses: They lack the raw strength and bulk of the Warrior, which can lead to quick demise if caught in a direct fight. Their reliance on trickery makes them less effective in straightforward head-to-head combat.


Strengths: The Paladin blends the resilience of a Warrior with the magical prowess of a Mage. Equipped for both offense and defense, Paladins can heal allies while engaging in combat, proving themselves valuable team players. Their balanced stat distribution makes them versatile in various scenarios.

Weaknesses: With neither offensive nor defensive capabilities exceptionally high, Paladins may fall short in situations that require specialization. They can be outmatched by more focused characters in dire situations.



Strengths: Necromancers excel in battlefield control, summoning minions to distract and attack foes. Their dark magic can debilitate enemies, providing a strategic advantage. They also possess potential healing and restoration spells, making them unexpected allies in dire situations.

Weaknesses: However, focus on summoning can limit their direct offensive capabilities, requiring strategic positioning to use effectively. Additionally, their reliance on minions can create vulnerabilities if opponents clear them out quickly.


Strengths: Clerics are fantastic support characters capable of healing and buffing allies. They offer an invaluable resource in longer dungeon runs where sustenance becomes prime. Their ability to ward off negative effects makes them vital in confronting undead foes.

Weaknesses: Lacking offensive capabilities means Clerics may struggle during solo encounters or in dungeons designed for melee confrontations. They rely too heavily on team synergy, making them less ideal in solo play.



Strengths: Summoners can call forth creatures to aid in battle, distracting enemies and creating confusion. Their utility shines when playing as a team, providing diverse combat strategies with their summoned allies.

Weaknesses: However, the effectiveness of summoned creatures can vary, with some being weak or short-lived. Summoners also often lack significant personal power, making them challenging to optimize in every situation.


Strengths: Bards bring charisma and charm to the table, bolstering allies with inspirational songs and buffs. Their diverse skillset allows them to adapt to various situations—be it combat or diplomacy.

Weaknesses: While supportive, Bards often lack the raw power required to make a significant impact in battles. They require excellent timing and positioning, which can sometimes lead to transient effectiveness.



Strengths: Alchemists excel in crafting and using potions, able to provide useful buffs and healing effects in unexpected moments. Their knowledge of herbs and effects can support overall gameplay, whether in dungeons or city restoration.

Weaknesses: Alchemists often lack direct combat capabilities. Their reliance on external items can lead to vulnerability if potions run out or if they are caught unprepared in challenging encounters.


Strengths: Fighters operate effectively in straightforward melee combat, boasting decent attack stats and health. They can withstand damage while dealing it out, making them reliable for basic encounters.

Weaknesses: However, their lack of abilities or utility spells can rend them predictable. Against versatile enemies or groups requiring strategic thinking, Fighters can struggle immensely.

Final Thoughts

The Elder Scrolls: Blades effectively utilizes a tiered approach in character design, enhancing the player experience with diverse gameplay options. Each character class, from the S-Tier elite Warriors and Mages to the more challenging C and D-Tier roles like Alchemists and Fighters, adds depth and variety to dungeon crawling.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class can aid players in formulating their strategies, whether it’s conquering rivals in the arena or collaborating onto restore their hometown. The balance between specialization and versatility ensures that every player can find a play style that suits them, promoting engagement and enjoyment across varied gameplay scenarios. As players continue to explore this classic reimagined title, every new dungeon encounter reveals the intricacies of character choices, emphasizing the ongoing relevance and allure of The Elder Scrolls universe.

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