Guns of Boom Tier List

Tier List - Game Insight

Updated on August 8, 2024

Guns of Boom has carved its niche in the competitive multiplayer FPS realm with its addictive gameplay, simple controls, and vibrant graphics. As players dive into its exhilarating PvP battles, they quickly realize the importance of selecting the right character for their playstyle. With numerous heroes to choose from, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each is crucial for success. In this article, we will break down a comprehensive tier list of characters in Guns of Boom, helping players make informed decisions as they climb the ranks.

Guns of Boom Tier List 2024 [Game Insight]

S Tier

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Strengths: Frost is a powerhouse with high damage output and solid mobility. He excels in both offensive and defensive roles, making him a favorable pick in any match. The ability to freeze opponents gives his team a significant advantage during firefights, disrupting enemy attacks and allowing for quick eliminations.

Weaknesses: Although Frost is an all-rounder, his survivability can be his downfall if not played carefully. He requires good positioning to maximize his potential, as getting overwhelmed can lead to swift eliminations.


Strengths: With exceptional stealth abilities, Rogue can silently navigate and ambush unsuspecting enemies. His high agility enhances his evasion capabilities, making it difficult for opponents to land shots. This character is highly valuable in team-play, allowing players to flank and disrupt enemy strategies.

Weaknesses: Being heavily focused on stealth, Rogue may struggle in direct confrontations. Players must be skilled in timing and positioning to make the most out of this character, as a poorly executed ambush can lead to a quick death.

A Tier


Strengths: Phantom brings a balanced approach with decent firepower and speed. His unique ability to create distractions can sway the tide of battle, pulling enemy fire away from teammates. This characteristic makes him a versatile option suitable for multiple game modes.

Weaknesses: While Phantom is effective, he requires a skilled player to utilize his abilities effectively. Miscommunication with teammates can lead to wasted opportunities and critical deaths.


Strengths: A stalwart character, Tank boasts an exceptional health pool, making him difficult to bring down. This durability allows him to act as a frontline barrier, soaking up damage for his team while dishing out consistent attacks. Tank is indispensable during objectives and crucial in securing points.

Weaknesses: The primary drawback of using Tank is his lack of speed. Moving into position can take time, making it essential to communicate with the team to ensure he isn’t left behind.

B Tier


Strengths: As the name suggests, Sniper specializes in long-range combat. Excellent for picking off enemies from a distance, his high damage per shot allows for quick eliminations while staying hidden in advantageous positions. This trait makes him a critical asset in maps designed for long engagements.

Weaknesses: Sniper is highly situational; if the map favors close-quarter combat, he can find himself at a severe disadvantage. Additionally, he needs to be particularly skilled to make shots count, as a missed opportunity can often lead to detrimental outcomes.


Strengths: Warrior combines strength with rapid-fire capabilities, allowing for impressive offensive strategies. With moderate damage and reasonable mobility, he can be effective in numerous maps. His versatile nature makes him a safe choice for newer players aiming to understand the game mechanics.

Weaknesses: However, Warrior lacks specialization. While he performs decently in many situations, he can be outmatched by characters with defined roles. His overall utility is average, making it vital for players to hone their skills to make impactful contributions.

C Tier


Strengths: The Medic is crucial for team sustainability, providing healing and support. His abilities can turn the tide in battles, allowing teammates to continue fighting rather than retreating. A good Medic keeps the team alive while enhancing overall performance.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Medics are not built for dealing damage and can fall quickly if caught out of position. In aggressive matches, they may struggle to find opportunities to heal their teammates effectively. Their dependency on team coordination can also lead to failures if teammates don’t recognize their role.


Strengths: The Assassin character shines in agility, with the ability to traverse maps quickly and disrupt enemy lines. This makes them effective for reconnaissance and quick strikes, catching opponents off guard.

Weaknesses: However, their low health can be a significant hindrance. If not played with caution, they can get eliminated swiftly, wasting their potential impact on a match. To maximize effectiveness, players must master evasive techniques and timing.

D Tier

Classic Hunter

Strengths: Classic Hunter represents a pure shooter archetype with balanced stats. He’s a starter character suitable for new players wishing to learn gameplay mechanics without overwhelming rules and stats.

Weaknesses: The downside is that Classic Hunter doesn’t bring anything unique to the table. Players will eventually outgrow him, as there are many other characters that provide specialized abilities and strategies.


Strengths: The Engineer can place turrets to aid allies and control areas, creating tactical advantages throughout the match. This aspect can be useful in specific set-ups and maps.

Weaknesses: However, without proper map knowledge and team coordination, the Engineer can underperform significantly. Most players find it challenging to effectively utilize the turret mechanics, which can lead to a frustrating experience.

E Tier


Strengths: As the name implies, Newbie is designed for beginners to familiarize themselves with the game. His straightforward mechanics allow new players to understand controls and strategies without added pressure.

Weaknesses: Despite being a learning tool, Newbie lacks any real competitive potential. Players should not rely on him once they have grasped the basics and progressed to competitive play.


Strengths: Storm has a unique ability that allows players to unleash elemental attacks, making for flashy combat sequences. His visuals can be captivating, appealing to players who enjoy aesthetic style.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, gimmicks do not equate to utility. Storm lacks the necessary stats and damage output for proficient gameplay. He can feel underwhelming compared to other character options, frustrating players looking for meaningful engagements.

In conclusion, Guns of Boom offers players a rich variety of characters, each with distinct strengths and weaknesses. Understanding where each hero stands within this tier list is crucial for optimizing gameplay and ensuring a competitive edge. Whether you decide to adopt a powerhouse like Frost or a sneaky character like Rogue, remember that the best hero for you depends on your unique playstyle and adaptation to team dynamics. Regularly exploring updates and new events will keep the gameplay fresh, enhancing the overall experience as you climb the ranks in this adrenaline-filled FPS.

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