Fire at Will Tier List


Updated on August 12, 2024

Fire at Will has quickly gained popularity among FPS enthusiasts as a thrilling 3D online tactical game that emphasizes strategic gameplay, teamwork, and real-time action in 5v5 matches. Players are drawn to its diverse modes and the ability to engage in fast-paced battles without the need for large file downloads. This article dives into the tier list of characters in Fire at Will, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses to help players choose the best fit for their playstyle.

Fire at Will Tier List 2024 [BRAVO UNICORN PTE. LTD.]

A Tier

Fire at Will Codes 2024 [v2.2.6]


Strengths: The Ranger excels in long-range combat, making them a formidable opponent from a distance. With access to powerful sniper rifles and exceptional mobility, Rangers can effectively take out enemies before they are even seen. Their ability to position themselves strategically on maps also allows them to assist teammates by providing valuable intel on enemy movements.

Weaknesses: The Ranger is vulnerable in close-quarters situations. Their reliance on long-range weapons leaves them at a disadvantage if enemies rush them. Additionally, their lower health pool makes it essential for them to maintain their distance and avoid getting pinned down.


Strengths: Demolitions characters are equipped with explosive weaponry that can clear out multiple foes at once. This class is perfect for dealing with groups of enemies gathered around objectives. Their grenades and explosives can control areas on the map, making them key players in coordinated attacks or defensive holds.

Weaknesses: The downside to the Demolitions class is their heavy reliance on ammunition and cool-down times on explosives. If a Demolitions player runs out of resources in the heat of battle, they can find themselves defenseless. They also have lower mobility, making them easier targets if caught off guard.

B Tier


Strengths: The Assault class is well-rounded, offering a good balance between firepower and mobility. With access to a variety of automatic weapons, they can adapt to different combat scenarios effectively. Their versatility allows them to fill multiple roles on the team, making them a reliable choice for players who prefer flexibility.

Weaknesses: While they are adaptable, Assault characters may struggle against specialized classes, like Rangers or Demolitions. Their average mobility and health means they can be outshone by higher-damage dealers or faster characters, especially in one-on-one confrontations.


Strengths: Medics are essential in sustaining team vitality. Their ability to heal and revive teammates during matches can turn the tides of battle. With a good understanding of map positioning, Medics can provide support without putting themselves in harm’s way.

Weaknesses: The Medic class lacks offensive capabilities compared to other classes. This makes them vulnerable during firefights, as they often cannot hold their own without assistance. Their main role is support, and they must rely on teammates to cover them while they provide healing.

C Tier


Strengths: Snipers are deadly at long distances, able to eliminate enemies with a single shot. Their ability to find high ground and maintain stealth makes them valuable for team strategy. When positioned correctly, they can control key areas of the map and provide crucial scouting information for the team.

Weaknesses: The Sniper class can be extremely fragile. They have very low health and are almost defenseless in close-range battles. If an enemy gets too close, Snipers can struggle to fend them off, making positioning and awareness essential.


Strengths: The Heavy class boasts high health and damage output. They can be the frontlines of attack, soaking up damage while dealing significant harm to enemies. Their ability to suppress fire with machine guns makes them effective for holding choke points.

Weaknesses: However, Havy characters are notoriously slow. Their mobility limitations can make them easy targets for faster classes like Rangers or Medics trying to flank. Additionally, their reliance on ammunition means that they can become a liability during extended fights.

D Tier


Strengths: Scouts are nimble and quick, capable of flanking opponents and gathering intel for their teams. Their agility allows them to traverse maps faster, which can create openings for team ambushes. They excel in sneaking up on unsuspecting enemies and disorienting them.

Weaknesses: Despite their speed, Scouts have minimal health, making them extremely fragile. This vulnerability means they must rely heavily on avoiding confrontation rather than engaging directly. If they are caught while in action, they often do not survive the encounter.


Strengths: Support characters focus on buffing teammates, providing ammunition replenishment, and erecting tactical obstacles. Their presence can enhance the performance of the entire team, making them vital for maintaining sustained engagement during prolonged fights.

Weaknesses: Support characters typically lack offensive weapons, making them highly ineffective in direct combat scenarios. Similar to Medics, they are better off staying back and strategizing than engaging in firefights alone. Their low health pool and defensive nature make them a target for enemy players.

In conclusion, Fire at Will offers a diverse roster of characters, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these traits is essential for optimizing team composition and enhancing overall gameplay strategy. Whether you prefer long-range sniping, supporting teammates, or leading the charge, there is a character that can suit your playstyle. By utilizing this tier list, players can make informed decisions for their battles, fine-tuning their skills and teamwork to dominate the competition in this exhilarating tactical FPS game.

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