Ace Defender Tier List


Updated on August 8, 2024

Jump on the bandwagon of fun with your friends and showcase your fighting skills in the most entertaining tower defense game of 2022! Ace Defender: War of Dragon Slayer is not just an ordinary game; it’s a strategic role-playing game (SRPG) that brings an innovative twist to traditional tower defense gameplay. The game allows players to devise winning strategies, battle fierce monsters, and explore a fantasy world teeming with challenges and opportunities. This article aims to provide gamers with a detailed tier list that evaluates characters based on their strengths and weaknesses, enabling players to make informed decisions when building their heroic squads.


Ace Defender not only captivates players with its eye-catching visuals but also offers an array of features that enhance gameplay. With main objectives, engaging plots, and robust gameplay mechanics, the game promises an exhilarating adventure that can be enjoyed with friends. In a world where strategic planning is crucial, knowing which characters stand out can significantly impact your performance.

The tier list below categorizes the characters into various tiers based on their performance and effectiveness in battle. Players can use this tier list to optimize their teams, ensuring they harness the full potential of their warriors.

S Tier

Ace Defender Codes 2024 [v3.0.0]

Warrior King

Strengths: The Warrior King possesses exceptional attack power and buffing capabilities. His ultimate skill drastically increases the team’s overall damage output, making him a formidable presence on the battlefield. His ability to inflict area damage allows for swift elimination of groups of enemies, making him invaluable in high-stakes scenarios.

Weaknesses: While his offensive abilities are unparalleled, the Warrior King lacks defensive capabilities, rendering him vulnerable to swift attacks from enemies that can capitalize on his weaknesses. Proper positioning is key when utilizing him in battles.

Shadow Assassin

Strengths: The Shadow Assassin excels in evasion and dealing high-critical damage. Her stealth abilities allow her to bypass enemy defenses, targeting crucial units or structures. She performs exceptionally well in PVP scenarios, catching opponents off-guard and quickly dismantling their key players.

Weaknesses: Her low health pool makes her prone to being taken out quickly if the enemy is aware of her presence. Strategizing her entry and exit points is crucial for maximizing her effectiveness in well-defended enemy camps.

A Tier

Flame Sorceress

Strengths: The Flame Sorceress brings potent area-of-effect (AoE) spells to the battlefield. Her abilities can stop hordes of enemies in their tracks, making her invaluable during large-scale encounters. The fire element also provides additional damage over time, weakening foes and creating openings for allies to capitalize on.

Weaknesses: She requires proper mana management to maximize her spell usage, and her reliance on positioning can lead to her being out of reach during frantic encounters. If caught in close-range combat, she can struggle defensively.

Iron Defender

Strengths: A stalwart protector, the Iron Defender excels in absorbing damage and shielding weaker characters. His abilities not only fortify defenses but can also taunt enemies, drawing their attention away from fragile allies. His presence ensures that damage output remains in the hands of more offensive heroes.

Weaknesses: While he can absorb damage effectively, he lacks damage output himself. Players need to place him strategically, ensuring he supports damage dealers rather than becoming a lone wolf on the battlefield.

B Tier

Primal Hunter

Strengths: The Primal Hunter is adept at single-target elimination, delivering significant damage to key enemy units. His capabilities allow him to focus down priority targets, disrupting enemy strategies and making him a critical piece in the game.

Weaknesses: The Primal Hunter’s skills are less effective against groups of enemies. His reliance on single-target skills means he can struggle against swarms, needing backup from AoE characters for balanced team composition.

Celestial Healer

Strengths: Healing is a crucial aspect of survival in Ace Defender, and the Celestial Healer excels in keeping allies alive through tough encounters. Her abilities provide burst healing as well as damage mitigation, which can be a game-changer in longer battles.

Weaknesses: However, she often finds herself low on offensive capabilities, which can hinder the overall damage output of a team. She thrives in supportive roles and needs to be safeguarded against aggressive foes who can disrupt her healing spells.

C Tier

Earth Guardian

Strengths: As a defensive character, the Earth Guardian provides crowd-control abilities, capable of stunning and slowing down enemies. This makes him a strategic asset for controlling enemy movements on the battlefield.

Weaknesses: While his crowd-control abilities are notable, the Earth Guardian’s damage output is considerably low. Teams using him will require supplementary characters to ensure they have a balanced offense, as he alone may struggle to keep up with high-damage foes.

Frost Mage

Strengths: The Frost Mage brings freezing abilities, allowing her to immobilize enemies temporarily. Her skills can effectively disrupt enemy strategies and provide tactical advantages during engagements.

Weaknesses: Similar to the Earth Guardian, the Frost Mage struggles with damage output and is not a well-rounded fighter. Proper synergy within the team becomes essential for ensuring an effective overall strategy.

D Tier

Thunder Warrior

Strengths: The Thunder Warrior performs well in short bursts, dealing decent damage and providing control over the battlefield. His special abilities allow him to chain lightning to multiple foes, creating opportunities to capitalize.

Weaknesses: However, his low survivability can see him quickly taken out of battle, making him a riskier choice when not paired with enough defensive characters to cover him.

Stone Mage

Strengths: With abilities that can create barriers and traps, the Stone Mage introduces some unique mechanics to the gameplay. Effective for controlling the battlefield, he can protect allies in crucial moments.

Weaknesses: The Stone Mage offers little in terms of damage output and scalability in late-game scenarios, making him less appealing for competitive play where damage is king. His dependency on positioning can also limit his effectiveness in fast-paced battles.

In conclusion, Ace Defender: War of Dragon Slayer provides an exciting array of characters for players to engage with, each bringing unique strengths and weaknesses to the battlefield. Understanding the tier list allows players to strategize better, ensuring their heroes complement each other effectively. With a mix of characters ranging from powerful damage dealers to robust defenders, players can forge dynamic teams that stand tall against the array of challenges the game presents. Whether you’re strategizing for a PVP encounter or a cooperative quest with friends, this tier list can serve as a valuable resource in your journey toward battlefield glory.

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