Battle Legion Tier List


Updated on September 5, 2024

Battle Legion is a compelling mobile game that has captivated players with its engaging and strategic gameplay. Set in a dynamic battlefield where players can assemble armies of unique units and pit them against one another in epic conflict, the game offers an idle-style combat system that is both accessible and entertaining. With the ability to customize troops, equip special Powers, and engage in massive 100v100 battles, players can experience the satisfaction of commanding their own legion while strategizing the optimal layout for victory. In this article, we will delve into the Battle Legion tier list, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of various units, allowing aspiring commanders to refine their strategies and dominate the battlefield.

Battle Legion Tier List 2024 [GODSPEED GAMES]


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Arcane Sorcerer

Strengths: The Arcane Sorcerer possesses potent area damage abilities, which can decimate clusters of enemy units with ease. Their long-range attack capabilities mean they can strike from a safe distance, allowing them to evade frontline engagements. Additionally, they have a decent health pool, making them survivable in battles.

Weaknesses: Despite their power, Arcane Sorcerers can be susceptible to fast-moving units that close the gap quickly. Their ability cooldowns can also limit their effectiveness if not used wisely during critical moments in combat.

Dark Age Artillery

Strengths: This unit excels in dealing massive damage from afar, providing unmatched fire support to frontline troops. Their high burst damage can turn the tide of battle, especially against heavy clusters of enemies. They can significantly change the outcome of skirmishes with their powerful artillery strikes.

Weaknesses: The Dark Age Artillery is vulnerable to units that can quickly engage in close-quarters combat. They also require careful positioning and protection, as their mobility is limited and they can be easy targets for faster adversaries.


Shielded Defender

Strengths: The Shielded Defender is a reliable frontline unit capable of absorbing significant damage, making them essential in any battle strategy. Their defensive capabilities can help protect weaker units behind them while they hold the enemy at bay.

Weaknesses: Though resilient, the Shielded Defender may lack the offensive capabilities needed to deal damage quickly. If not supported by damage-dealing units, they can be overwhelmed by opponents.

Elemental Mage

Strengths: Known for their versatility, Elemental Mages have a range of abilities that can either deal damage or provide utility for their allies. They can adapt to various situations, making them a valuable asset in many tactics.

Weaknesses: Their ever-changing skillset requires careful planning; misusing their powers can lead to wasted opportunities. They are also slightly less durable than other unit types, making positioning critical.



Strengths: The Gladiator is a well-rounded unit that excels at both offense and defense. Their balance of attack power and durability allows them to perform effectively in various scenarios. They can engage enemy units and hold their own in dueling situations.

Weaknesses: While versatile, Gladiators can be outshined in specific roles by specialized units. They may struggle against high-damage or specialty units tailored for particular combat scenarios.

Ranged Skirmisher

Strengths: This unit is adept at hit-and-run tactics, utilizing their mobility to maintain distance from enemies while inflicting damage. Their quick attacks can chip away at the health of larger units over time.

Weaknesses: However, Ranged Skirmishers are generally squishier, falling easily when faced with direct confrontation. They also rely on careful positioning and can be overwhelmed by aggressive units.


Shield Bearer

Strengths: The Shield Bearer can provide some level of support to allies through their defensive posture. They can absorb damage, making them useful for protecting key units in specific team configurations.

Weaknesses: Their lack of offensive capabilities makes them underwhelming in situations where damage output is vital. They can heavily rely on surrounding units for effectiveness, making them less independently valuable.

Mythical Beast

Strengths: Mythical Beasts boast unique aesthetics and can pack a punch in the initial charge, creating chaos in enemy ranks. Their intimidating presence can disrupt enemy strategies.

Weaknesses: However, their key weakness lies in their predictability and the fact that they can be countered easily by prepared defenses. They also tend to lack sustainability in longer battles.


Peasant Fighter

Strengths: Although they are the lowest tier in terms of strength, Peasant Fighters are plentiful and can be spammed in overwhelming numbers if the situation allows. They can engage in battles as a distraction for stronger units.

Weaknesses: Peasant Fighters have minimal health and damage capabilities, making them easy targets for stronger enemy units. They serve well for distraction but are not reliable in terms of providing significant support.


Strengths: The Illusionist can confuse opponents with deception-based attacks and illusions that can momentarily disorient enemies on the battlefield, providing potential advantages when employed effectively.

Weaknesses: Despite their strategic potential, Illusionists require great skill to use effectively and often rely on intricate planning. Their weaknesses can be exploited if opponents can anticipate their moves.

In conclusion, Battle Legion presents players with a myriad of units to construct their dream army, yet the effectiveness of an army lies in strategically leveraging unit strengths while avoiding potential pitfalls. Utilizing the tier list above can guide players in deciding which units to integrate into their lineups, ensuring a more effective battlefield strategy and an immersive gameplay experience. With its engaging mechanics, Battle Legion promises hours of entertainment and plenty of opportunities to emerge as a top commander in the epic brawls that define the game. Don’t forget to join the active community on Discord and YouTube, where players share strategies and updates, helping everyone elevate their gameplay to new heights. Ready your troops and lead them to glory!

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