Cup Heroes Tier List

Tier List - VOODOO

Updated on August 20, 2024

Cup Heroes is an engaging and exhilarating game that’s captivating players with its unique blend of strategy and action. Set in a whimsical world filled with challenging enemies and vibrant characters, players must harness their skills to build up a team capable of defeating waves of foes, multiplying the power of their abilities, and ultimately saving the beloved princess. The fun doesn’t stop there—developing a strategy that maximizes your team’s effectiveness requires understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each hero. This article presents a detailed tier list that ranks the heroes based on their performance in gameplay, helping players make informed decisions as they upgrade their powers and embark on their heroic journey.

Cup Heroes Tier List 2024 [VOODOO]

S Tier

Lightning Mage

Strengths: Lightning Mage excels in dealing area damage with her powerful spells that chain between enemies, making her a formidable opponent against waves. Her speed allows her to quickly reposition and dodge attacks. Furthermore, her ability to multiply cast spells enhances her overall damage output significantly.

Weaknesses: While powerful, Lightning Mage is relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if not properly protected. Her reliance on mana can also be a limitation in prolonged battles since she must manage her resources.

Shield Guardian

Strengths: The Shield Guardian is a tanky character capable of absorbing large amounts of damage and protecting allies. His shield abilities create zones that mitigate damage for the team, making him invaluable during tough battles. His crowd control skills can disable enemies, allowing for strategic plays.

Weaknesses: While the Shield Guardian is great at soaking up damage, his offensive capabilities are quite limited. He relies on teammates to deal damage, and when isolated, he can struggle against tougher foes.

A Tier

Frost Archer

Strengths: Frost Archer possesses a unique ability to slow down enemies with her ice arrows, control the battlefield, and kite enemies effectively. Her damage output is decent, and her skills allow her to stay mobile and avoid trouble. She pairs well with high-damage teammates.

Weaknesses: Her damage is not as high as that of other ranged characters, and against rapidly approaching foes, she can find it challenging to escape without backup.

Fire Sorceress

Strengths: Fire Sorceress unleashes devastating fire-based attacks that deal significant damage over time. Her abilities are great for taking down tougher opponents quickly, and her AOE attacks can help clear waves of minions efficiently. Her skills offer some crowd control as well.

Weaknesses: The Fire Sorceress is somewhat reliant on positioning, as she can become vulnerable while casting her powerful spells. If she is caught without mobility options, she may find herself overwhelmed.

B Tier

Earth Warrior

Strengths: Earth Warrior is a balanced character who offers both offensive and defensive capabilities. He can deal good damage while also being able to shield himself from blows. His abilities help him maintain a good pace in battles.

Weaknesses: While versatile, he lacks specialization. Earth Warrior can’t deal with high-damage situations as effectively as dedicated attackers or tanks, which can hinder performance.

Wind Dancer

Strengths: With an emphasis on agility, Wind Dancer can quickly evade attacks and maneuver around enemies, dealing consistent damage and applying status effects as she goes. Her mobility makes her a fantastic choice for players who favor hit-and-run tactics.

Weaknesses: Her lower health pool means that she can’t sustain much damage before going down. If cornered, Wind Dancer struggles to escape due to her relatively low defenses.

C Tier

Stone Golem

Strengths: Stone Golem boasts extraordinary durability, making him incredibly hard to take down. His basic attacks provide consistent damage, and his abilities enhance his defensive capabilities further, providing some crowd control.

Weaknesses: The downside, however, is his severe lack of mobility and slow attack speed. He cannot keep up with fast-paced battles and relies on precise positioning to be effective.

Potion Master

Strengths: Potion Master adds unique complexity to the game with his ability to craft potions that grant various buffs. His support skills can turn the tide of battle, making him an asset in team compositions focused on survivability.

Weaknesses: However, the Potion Master lacks direct offensive abilities, meaning he must depend on teammates to do the damage. His reliance on potions also means strategic timing is crucial.

D Tier

Night Stalker

Strengths: Night Stalker can deal bursts of damage from the shadows and is great in ambush situations. His stealth mechanic allows him to position effectively against unsuspecting foes.

Weaknesses: However, he is extremely fragile and vulnerable when his skills are on cooldown. Also, his reliance on ambush tactics means he can struggle in open, drawn-out battles where stealth isn’t an option.

Clumsy Knight

Strengths: Clumsy Knight offers solid damage and giggles with his quirky personality. His straightforward approach makes him easy to use for newer players, as his mechanics are not overly complex.

Weaknesses: Nevertheless, Clumsy Knight struggles against more skilled players or in higher difficulties, where he can easily be overpowered. His lack of special abilities makes his gameplay feel one-dimensional.

F Tier

Lazy Mage

Strengths: Lazy Mage stands out most for his humorous approach and laid-back gameplay style, using the least effort to accomplish the task. He can still deal damage in a simplified manner.

Weaknesses: Nevertheless, he suffers greatly from low damage output, limited abilities, and poor survivability. This makes him a subpar choice at higher levels of play where strategy and precision are key.

Old Warrior

Strengths: While having nostalgic charm, Old Warrior does bring some damage capabilities and a few reliable skills that resonate with players familiar with classic fighting styles.

Weaknesses: However, Old Warrior lacks speed, agility, and adaptability. His playstyle can feel outdated in comparison to the more dynamic heroes, making him the least favorable choice in the current meta.

In this expansive world of Cup Heroes, players must carefully choose their hero based on this tier list, adapting their strategies by considering each character’s strengths and weaknesses. As they defeat waves of enemies and save the princess, understanding how to build the best team with the most potent skills will be paramount to becoming a true hero. The road ahead is filled with challenges, but with the right heroes by your side, victory is within reach!

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