Dragon Survival Tier List

Tier List - Alchemist Games Inc.

Updated on August 10, 2024

The Dragon Survival game offers a thrilling experience set in the enchanting yet perilous Dragon Village. Players are thrust into action as they defend their home from monstrous invaders. With a plethora of legendary dragons to choose from, mastering this game requires understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each dragon. This article presents a detailed tier list, assisting players in selecting the best dragons for survival and ensuring victory against the various challenges they face.

Dragon Survival Tier List 2024 [Alchemist Games Inc.]

S Tier

Dragon Survival Codes Wiki 2024 [v1.088]

Ignis the Flame Dragon

Strengths: Ignis possesses the highest damage output of all dragons, with devastating fire-based attacks that can obliterate foes in a flash. His ultimate ability engulfs enemies in a torrent of flames, causing persistent area damage. He also has exceptional mobility, allowing him to evade enemy attacks easily.

Weaknesses: Ignis is vulnerable to water-based attacks. His focus on offense can lead to neglecting defense, making him susceptible to being overwhelmed by fast-moving enemies if not managed carefully.

Aero the Storm Dragon

Strengths: Aero excels in crowd control with his powerful wind-based abilities, capable of pushing back groups of monsters while damaging them. His speed and agility allow players to dodge attacks seamlessly, while his ultimate ability can create a massive tornado, pulling in enemies before launching them away.

Weaknesses: Although Aero’s control abilities are impressive, his damage output is lower compared to other top-tier dragons. He also requires precise timing to maximize his effectiveness, which can be a disadvantage in chaotic battles.

B Tier

Terragon the Earth Dragon

Strengths: Terragon is the tank of the dragon roster, boasting high health and formidable defensive capabilities. His skills can create shields and barriers that absorb damage, making him ideal for players who prefer a more resilient playstyle. His earth-based abilities can also create tremors, stunning enemies in close proximity.

Weaknesses: While Terragon can withstand a lot of punishment, his damage output is relatively low. He relies heavily on teamwork to secure kills, as he can struggle to take down faster enemies on his own.

Lumina the Light Dragon

Strengths: Lumina offers a unique support functionality, providing healing and buffs to teammates. Her skills include light beams that can blind enemies and ally boosts that enhance speed and damage. She is a versatile choice for players who prefer strategic gameplay.

Weaknesses: Lumina can struggle in one-on-one combat, as her focus is divided between healing and dealing damage. If isolated, she can become an easy target for aggressive foes.

C Tier

Noxus the Shadow Dragon

Strengths: Noxus is a stealthy dragon who excels in agility and evasion. His shadow-based powers provide unique tactical advantages, allowing him to become temporarily invisible. He can launch surprise attacks on enemies, inflicting considerable damage.

Weaknesses: Noxus lacks powerful area-of-effect skills, which makes him less effective against groups of enemies. His primary focus on stealth can render him less useful during team fights where coordination is key.

Aqua the Water Dragon

Strengths: Aqua brings versatility with her water-based skills, allowing for healing abilities and moderate damage. She can create barriers of water that protect allies and slow down enemies. Aqua is also adept at dealing with fire-based foes due to her elemental counter.

Weaknesses: Aqua’s skills can feel inconsistent in terms of damage output. Additionally, her reliance on her defensive abilities may lead to missed opportunities for more aggressive actions during crucial moments.

D Tier

Ferro the Steel Dragon

Strengths: Ferro is known for his resourcefulness, with skills that allow him to create temporary barriers and increase damage resistance. He can also unleash lightning strikes that deal decent damage to a confined area, making him a valuable addition in defensive scenarios.

Weaknesses: Ferro has one of the lowest mobility stats, making him an easy target for swift-moving enemies. He additionally lacks high-impact damage abilities, complicating his effectiveness in pitched battles.

Vento the Wind Dragon

Strengths: Vento has a lot of utility in dodging enemy attacks and is capable of performing quick strikes that can confuse enemies. His whirlwind abilities disrupt enemy formations, allowing teammates to capitalize on openings.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Vento’s damage is not sufficient to take down tough enemies swiftly. Moreover, some skills require careful timing and practice to master, which may deter casual players.

E Tier

Gaia the Nature Dragon

Strengths: Gaia can summon plant-based minions to assist in battle, providing a unique mechanic that can distract and delay enemies. She possesses healing abilities that can improve the longevity of battles.

Weaknesses: Gaia’s damage is underwhelming compared to other dragons, and her reliance on minions can leave her vulnerable if surrounded. Players may find her to be situational at best.

Frost the Ice Dragon

Strengths: Frost can freeze enemies temporarily, effectively immobilizing them for a brief duration. This control can be beneficial, especially for high-damage teammates to capitalize on.

Weaknesses: Frost suffers from low mobility and is slow to recover from attacks. Her skills tend to be less effective against resilient bosses and fast mobility characters.

Gameplay Strategies

In Dragon Survival, players can utilize infinite skill combinations to enhance the performance of their dragons. This depth of gameplay encourages creativity in devising unique strategies to tackle various enemy types and bosses. Here are a few tips:

1. **Synergize Skills:** Combining skills among your team of dragons can lead to diverse strategies. For instance, pairing Lumina’s healing abilities with Ignis’s aggressive damage output allows for attacking while maintaining sustainability.

2. **Utilize the Dash Function:** Mastery of the dash function is essential. It not only enhances mobility but also creates opportunities for evasive maneuvers when surrounded by attackers.

3. **Boss Patterns:** Understanding the patterns of over 50 unique bosses can provide players an upper hand. Vary your tactics for each boss fight based on their movements and weaknesses, capitalizing on moments of vulnerability.

4. **Experiment with Different Combinations:** While this tier list serves as a guide, players should experiment with different dragon combinations to find the best playstyle that suits them. Adaptability can lead to more enjoyable experiences.

5. **Team Composition:** When fighting alongside other players, it’s crucial to consider team composition. Mixing offensive and supportive dragons can create a well-rounded team capable of handling diverse threats.


The tier list for Dragon Survival highlights the multifaceted capabilities of various dragons. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses allows players not only to become adept defenders of the Dragon Village but also to cultivate their own unique play styles. With tactical use of the dash function, skill combinations, and collaboration with other dragons, players can face the endless onslaught of monsters and enjoy the rewarding experience of being a victorious survivor. Whatever the playstyle, every dragon has the potential to shine when utilized effectively.

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