Edenight Tier List

Tier List - Loongcheer Game

Updated on August 4, 2024

The Edenight Tier List is an essential guide for players looking to optimize their gameplay in this captivating AFK RPG. As players navigate through the chaotic world of Wonderland, they will recruit various characters known as Agents, each with unique skills and abilities. This tier list ranks the available Agents based on their overall effectiveness, helping players make informed decisions about which characters to invest their resources in. With over 80 unique Agents to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decipher who your best picks are. The following detailed guide categorizes these Agents into tiers, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and best strategies to maximize their potential.

Edenight Tier List 2024 [Loongcheer Game]

Tier S

Edenight Codes Wiki 2024


Lola is a core agent that players receive by logging in on day 7, making her easily accessible. She excels in offense, offering significant damage output and the ability to take down enemies quickly. Lola’s skills allow her to support her teammates by increasing their damage and providing buffs during battles.

On the downside, Lola can be somewhat vulnerable when facing tanky opponents due to her lower defensive capabilities. Players should focus on pairing her with defensive Agents to balance their squad and mitigate her weaknesses.


Astra stands out for her versatility and adaptability, making her a valuable addition to any team. With a skill set geared towards both healing and damage, she can assist in lengthy battles. Astra can also cleanse negative effects from allies, ensuring that the team operates at full potential throughout the fight.

Despite her versatility, Astra may struggle to compete in high-damage situations due to her reliance on support skills. Players must recognize when to employ her and ensure she complements other high-damage dealers.

Tier A


Aria is a strong damage dealer with excellent AOE (area of effect) abilities, allowing her to handle groups of enemies efficiently. Her ultimate skill can devastate opposing teams, especially when deployed in the right scenario.

However, Aria’s low defense makes her susceptible to ambushes from sneaky foes. Players should keep her positions front and center and ensure she’s assisted by protective Agents to maximize her potential.


Thorn is recognized for his exceptional crowd control capabilities. His abilities can stun or slow enemies, giving the team an edge in battle. He is ideal for PVP modes where controlling the flow can secure victories.

His damage output is less impressive than other agents, and players may find him less effective on solo campaigns where direct damage is prioritized over control.

Tier B


Flare has a good balance of offense and defense, making her a reliable choice for beginners. She can deal decent damage while sustaining herself in combat, which helps new players grasp the game mechanics.

Nonetheless, she lacks the exceptional capabilities of agents at higher tiers, making her less desirable in end-game content. Players may soon find themselves outgrowing Flare as they explore more difficult levels.


Atlas focuses on support skills that can heal and buff allies effectively. His utility makes him useful in sustaining longer battles, thereby increasing your team’s overall survivability.

Despite being valuable, Atlas is often overshadowed by more aggressive Agents. Players seeking to maximize damage may find Atlas lacking compared to offensive agents.

Tier C


Violet has a unique charm that appeals to players and has a niche role as a debuffer, reducing enemies’ stats and performance in battle. Her ability to hinder opponents can change the tide of combat in specific situations.

However, she lacks overall combat effectiveness, making her a less frequently chosen agent. In most scenarios, players may prefer direct damage dealers or robust defenders over Violet.


Beetle can be an interesting choice due to his unique abilities that focus on utility. He can generate additional resources for players, which is beneficial when creating strategies for dungeon exploration.

Unfortunately, his damage output is minimal, rendering him ineffective in combat situations. Hence, players should only consider Beetle if their gameplay strategy emphasizes resource generation over combat.

Tier D


Shadow possesses stealth abilities that allow him to evade several attacks and escape being targeted, providing some utility to a team. His unique skill set can be entertaining for players who enjoy stealth gameplay.

Sadly, this has limited application in most of the game’s core mechanics. His overall low damage and poor effectiveness make him underwhelming when faced with challenging content.


Breeze is purely a support character with healing abilities that can help keep the team afloat during lengthy battles. Players enjoy using her when exploring dungeons that require extended engagements.

However, her healing doesn’t scale well into end-game content, as most players prefer more robust agents who can handle vast amounts of damage while providing support.

In conclusion, building a strong squad in Edenight requires understanding not only each Agent’s strengths and weaknesses but also how to combine them effectively in a team composition that adapts to various challenges across PVP and PVE modes. As players progress through the game and unlock new characters, they should continuously reassess their team dynamics and look to create the ultimate squad that capitalizes on faction bonuses and synergies.

For those new to Edenight or seeking to refine their strategies, using the tier list to evaluate Agents is a crucial step in achieving success. By logging in daily, participating in events, and interacting with the game community through platforms like Facebook and Discord, players can gain valuable insights and updates to enhance their gameplay experience. With continuous engagement and strategic planning, mastering the nuances of the Edenight Tier List will lead to enjoyable gameplay, successful dungeon raids, and ultimately, victory in the tumultuous world of Wonderland.

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