Frag Pro Shooter Tier List

Tier List - Oh BiBi

Updated on August 29, 2024

FRAG Pro Shooter has revolutionized the mobile gaming landscape with its engaging PvP mechanics and diverse hero selection. With the latest update, FRAG V3, players are invited to strategize and fight in both first-person and third-person perspectives. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the various heroes available in the game is pivotal for players aiming for victory. Below is a detailed tier list featuring the best heroes you can choose to create your ultimate dream team.

Frag Pro Shooter Tier List 2024 [Oh BiBi]

A Tier

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Strengths: Viking provides high health and damage output, making him a formidable presence on the battlefield. His ability to absorb damage allows him to act as a frontline tank for your team, providing cover for more fragile allies.

Weaknesses: While his offense is strong, his mobility is somewhat lacking. Viking can be a target for ranged heroes and may struggle to escape tight situations.


Strengths: Robo is known for his quick reload and high precision. His shooting mechanics allow players to tackle opponents from a distance with minimal risk, and he can eliminate threats before they pose a danger.

Weaknesses: His health pool is below average, and he does not fare well in close-quarter combat. Players should keep him at range; otherwise, he becomes vulnerable.


Strengths: Wasp boasts extraordinary speed and agile movement, allowing her to dodge incoming fire and reposition quickly. She excels in hit-and-run tactics, dealing rapid bursts of damage.

Weaknesses: Despite her agility, Wasp has low health, making her susceptible to one-shot kills from high-damage heroes.

B Tier


Strengths: Hunter is versatile, packing good damage potential along with a reasonable health pool. His ability to adapt to different combat scenarios makes him a reliable choice for players looking for balance.

Weaknesses: Hunter lacks specialized skills, meaning he won’t excel against any team entirely. His performance depends heavily on the player’s ability to utilize his strengths effectively.


Strengths: Goldorak possesses high resistances and can withstand significant amounts of damage, serving as a robust character for defensive strategies. His constructs can distract opponents effectively.

Weaknesses: Goldorak is slow to move, making him an easy target for agile opponents. Ranged characters can outmaneuver him during fights, making positioning crucial.


Strengths: Sabrina is exceptional for team support, providing healing abilities and buffs. She fills a critical role for coordination in 2v2 matchups, enhancing teammates’ survivability and damage potential.

Weaknesses: On her own, Sabrina lacks offensive power, making her vulnerable if isolated from her team.

C Tier


Strengths: Shug has solid support capabilities and a decent health pool. She can slow down enemies, providing opportunities for teammates to engage effectively.

Weaknesses: Her damage output is subpar compared to other heroes, making her less effective in solo engagements.


Strengths: Tricky brings disruption to gameplay with his unique skill set, confusing opponents and creating openings for allies. His explosive traps can catch enemies off-guard, particularly during team battles.

Weaknesses: Tricky’s reliance on strategic placement and timing makes him challenging for newer players. His damage-dealing is also limited.


Strengths: Witch harnesses a blend of magic abilities to manipulate the battlefield and disrupt enemy strategies. Her area attacks can damage multiple foes at once.

Weaknesses: However, she is fragile and can easily be taken down if not adequately protected by stronger teammates.

D Tier


Strengths: Vulcan has unique abilities that allow him to lay down area denials and can inflict damage over time.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, his abilities are not enough to secure his survival on the frontline against stronger and more agile heroes. He is usually outpaced in combat.


Strengths: While utilizing unique mechanics, Frag has moderate damage and can inflict damage on unsuspecting enemies. His unique playstyle can be fun.

Weaknesses: Despite the potential, Frag lacks the metrics necessary to sustain confrontations against more balanced heroes and becomes less effective in higher-tier battles.


Strengths: Robo-Dog might boast high mobility, making him fun to play.

Weaknesses: Sadly, his damage output and abilities are unreliable; thus, he’s not the best choice for competitive play.

In conclusion, understanding the tier system in FRAG Pro Shooter is essential for optimizing your team composition and ensuring victory on the battlefield. As players anticipate new heroes and the regular updates the game offers, it’s important to adapt and hone strategies that incorporate the varying strengths and weaknesses of each hero. Whether aiming for explosive duels or coordinating with teammates in 2vs2 match modes, this tier list will help players choose wisely and enjoy every moment of their combat experience in FRAG. Happy gaming, Fraggers!

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