Hearthstone Tier List

Tier List - Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Updated on August 30, 2024

Hearthstone, Blizzard Entertainment’s award-winning collectible card game, has captured the hearts of millions with its unique blend of strategy, captivating lore, and engaging gameplay. As players embark on their journey through the ever-evolving world of Hearthstone, they often seek to build the most powerful decks to outwit their opponents. A significant aspect of this is understanding the current tier list, which ranks various classes and strategies based on their performance in the game’s competitive climate. In this article, we will delve into an in-depth tier list of Hearthstone’s classes, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and playstyle nuances.

Hearthstone Tier List 2024 [Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.]

S Tier

Hearthstone Codes 2024 [v30.2.205267]


Strengths: The Mage class boasts a versatile suite of spells, allowing for powerful board control and efficient damage directly to the opponent. With access to game-changing cards like Fireball and Frostbolt, Mages can deal with threats swiftly while keeping their opponents on the defensive through damage pressure. Additionally, Mage decks benefit from card draw mechanics that let players quickly cycle through their decks to find answers.

Weaknesses: Despite their prowess, Mages can struggle against aggressive decks that apply pressure from turn one. If they fail to draw their removal spells early, they can quickly find themselves overwhelmed. Furthermore, the reliance on combos and spell synergy can sometimes lead to inconsistent hands.

Demon Hunter

Strengths: The Demon Hunter class excels in aggressive gameplay, focusing on dealing damage quickly with a combination of hero power and minion damage. With access to powerful burst damage cards and an impressive array of minions, Demon Hunters pressure opponents effectively. Their agility allows them to adapt quickly to different board states.

Weaknesses: The main drawback of Demon Hunters lies in their relative fragility. Often, they lack strong defensive options, which can lead to quick deaths against well-prepared opponents. Additionally, while their aggression is potent, it can sometimes be thwarted by dedicated control strategies.

A Tier


Strengths: The Paladin class combines survivability and threats equipped with powerful minions that can generate additional resources, like the iconic Blessing of Kings. Flexible deck strategies, such as secret Paladin or control variants, allow players to adapt their approach to the game. Their unique ability to heal themselves or summon minions contributes to their strong board presence.

Weaknesses: Paladins can struggle against aggressive decks that can quickly chip away at their health before they can stabilize. Additionally, certain Paladin archetypes may struggle if they rely too heavily on costly cards that can be disrupted by faster opponents.


Strengths: Warlocks are masters of card advantage, boasting powerful life-draining effects and a plethora of card draw options. Their ability to sacrifice health for temporary power can quickly pivot games in their favor, especially through strategies like Zoo or Control Warlock. They can efficiently generate threats while maintaining a hefty hand size.

Weaknesses: The inherent risk of sacrificing health leaves Warlocks vulnerable to burst damage strategies. If opponents manage to counteract their powerful draw mechanics, Warlocks can quickly lose momentum and find themselves in precarious positions.

B Tier


Strengths: Rogues offer incredible versatility with their ability to manipulate the board through a combination of stealth and efficient removal. With cards allowing them to adapt their strategies mid-game and maintain value through card draw, Rogues can build solid momentum against their opponents.

Weaknesses: They can, however, be susceptible to decks that focus on flooding the board with larger minions, as Rogues often rely on small, high-value minion trades. This can hinder their ability to generate board control, especially in the face of overwhelming aggression.


Strengths: Warriors are known for their strong defensive capabilities and resource manipulation. With the ability to gain armor and steadily control the board, they can survive long games against aggressive opponents. Certain Warrior builds focus on fatigue strategies, weapon synergies, and overwhelming minion presence.

Weaknesses: Their slower pace can be a double-edged sword, making them vulnerable to decks that can exploit early-game weaknesses. Additionally, some Warrior archetypes can struggle against highly efficient early rush decks that can burn through their armor before they can mount a significant defense.

C Tier


Strengths: Shaman decks come equipped with a wide variety of spells and totem support that can allow for a baffling array of tactical options. Combining damage with healing or board control can lead to interesting and explosive plays that can catch opponents off guard.

Weaknesses: However, Shaman decks tend to be inconsistent, as they rely heavily on draw mechanics to assemble optimal hands. Without the right tools available at the right time, Shamans can fall flat, especially against stable control decks. Their reliance on totems makes them susceptible to board clear spells.


Strengths: Hunters symbolize aggressive playstyles with their focus on swift damage and direct attacks. Utilizing a blend of minion pressure through beasts and damaging spells, Hunters can build high-pressure boards to finish games quickly.

Weaknesses: This aggression can backfire, especially against decks that can mount consistent defenses. If their opening turns are not potent enough, the Hunter’s ability to finish games may be hindered, leading to prolonged battles that don’t favor their strategy.

D Tier


Strengths: The Priest class has the ability to manipulate life totals and draw powerful minions. Their healing and control spells keep them in games longer and allow for resurgence against aggressive strategies. They can utilize powerful combos and maintain board health with card synergies.

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, their slow playstyle often leads to challenges against faster decks. Additionally, their reliance on combo pieces can lead to clunky hands that don’t offer proactive plays. The inherent risk of drama in combo decks can render them less effective against consistent, aggressive strategies.

E Tier

Death Knight

Strengths: Death Knights utilize unique mechanics that revolve around runes and powerful minion summons. They can build boards capable of overwhelming enemies with strong minion synergies and sustain through unique hero powers.

Weaknesses: However, the Death Knight’s overall power levels often fall short compared to other classes in the current meta. Their slower strategy can mean they lack the early pressure needed to compete effectively, leaving them vulnerable to faster decks and more consistent archetypes.

Neutral Classes

In the world of Hearthstone, neutral classes can switch between tiers based on specific meta shifts and evolving strategies. They can be regarded as valuable resources for hybrid decks while translating into various archetypes.

Each individual’s choice can differentiate their playstyle and adapt to shifts in meta, but flexibility is essential. Neutral cards can provide various tools and tricks, allowing players to find their unique strategy that complements favored class selections.

As the meta continually evolves, the Hearthstone tier list remains a dynamic guide for players looking to refine their strategies and climb the ranks. By understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles of each class, players can make informed decisions when constructing their decks. So gather your cards, summon your minions, and embark on your journey through the magical world of Hearthstone!

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