League of Legends Wild Rift Tier List

Tier List - Riot Games, Inc

Updated on August 9, 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of mobile gaming, League of Legends: Wild Rift emerges as a premier title that encapsulates the thrilling essence of competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) gameplay. The game retains the core mechanics of its PC predecessor while introducing innovative features and controls tailored for mobile devices. As players dive into the exhilarating 5v5 combat, understanding the tier list of champions becomes crucial for crafting a winning strategy. This article provides an in-depth look at the various tiers within League of Legends: Wild Rift, detailing the champions in each tier along with their strengths and weaknesses.

League of Legends Wild Rift Tier List 2024 [Riot Games, Inc]

Tier S

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Strengths: Aatrox boasts powerful healing effects from his abilities, providing sustainability in fights. His damage output is formidable, capable of both tanking and dishing out significant amounts of damage. He excels in prolonged engagements, making him a nightmare for squishier champions.

Weaknesses: Aatrox can be reliant on landing skill shots, particularly his third skill, which can be challenging in fast-paced battles. Additionally, if caught alone without proper coordination, he can be burst down before he can capitalize on his kit.


Strengths: Akali is highly mobile and can quickly reposition herself in fights. Her ability to engage and disengage at will makes her a versatile assassin who can pick off key targets with ease. Moreover, her stealth allows her to escape dangerous situations.

Weaknesses: Akali is somewhat reliant on skill shots, requiring precise timing and positioning. In less skilled hands, she can be less effective, especially against champions with crowd control abilities that can ruin her combos.


Strengths: Jhin is a unique marksman whose damage output scales excellently into the late game. His fourth shot delivers massive burst damage, and his traps can control team fights effectively. He excels in zone control, forcing enemies to reposition.

Weaknesses: He lacks mobility, which can be a problem if enemies manage to close the gap. Furthermore, he has a limited number of shots, requiring careful management to ensure he is at peak effectiveness during skirmishes.

Tier A


Strengths: Darius is a powerful bruiser who can dominate lane matchups with his ongoing damage and healing. His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, can execute weakened enemies, turning fights in his favor.

Weaknesses: Darius can be kited by ranged attackers, making positioning critical. Players need to be careful when engaging multiple enemies due to his lack of significant escape abilities.

Strengths: Lulu offers exceptional support, providing shields and buffs that enhance ally effectiveness. Her utility can turn the tide in team fights, making her an invaluable asset.

Weaknesses: Lulu is squishy and can be easily taken down if caught out of position. Additionally, she requires good timing to utilize her abilities effectively.


Strengths: Kha’Zix excels in picking off singular targets with stealth mechanics and strong burst damage. His evolving abilities allow him to adapt to enemy team compositions and maximize his threat level.

Weaknesses: Kha’Zix can struggle in team fights against coordinated enemies, as he is vulnerable to area-of-effect damage and crowd control.

Tier B

Strengths: Jarvan IV is a versatile jungler with strong initiation and zoning capabilities. His ability to create walls with his ultimate can trap enemies, setting up kills for his team.

Weaknesses: Jarvan can be countered if his abilities are anticipated, and his damage tends to fall off in the late game compared to damage-oriented junglers.

Strengths: Miss Fortune has high burst damage, especially in team fights with her ultimate. Her poke and zoning abilities make her a strong pick in lane.

Weaknesses: She can be easily burst down by assassins if positioned incorrectly, and her reliance on skill shots for damage output can hinder effectiveness.

Strengths: Rakan is a highly mobile support who can initiate team fights with his charm and healing abilities. His versatility allows him to peel for carries or engage on enemies.

Weaknesses: Rakan’s abilities require precise timing, and poor execution can lead to disastrous outcomes. Moreover, his durability is relatively low.

Tier C

Strengths: Ashe offers great utility with her slows and vision control via her ultimate. She is a safe pick for beginners and has consistent damage output.

Weaknesses: Ashe can be easily kite and lacks mobility, making it critical to position well in team fights. Her ultimate can be countered by various champions with mobility.

Strengths: Teemo can control areas with his mushrooms, making him a great pick for zoning. His ability to go invisible helps him ambush unsuspecting enemies.

Weaknesses: Teemo has low durability and can be taken down quickly if focused. His damage output is limited in team fights.

Strengths: Rumble excels in area-of-effect damage with his ultimate, making him a strong pick for team fights. His ability to harass opponents in lane can be powerful.

Weaknesses: Rumble’s skill combo requires accuracy and timing. He can be susceptible to crowd control, which can negate his impact during fights.

Tier D

Strengths: Zed is a strong pick for dueling with high burst potential. He can outplay enemies with his mobility and damage, making him a favored assassin.

Weaknesses: Zed is reliant on finding isolated targets and can struggle in organized team fights where he is easily targeted. His need to snowball early game can lead to diminished effectiveness in prolonged matches.

Strengths: Veigar can scale incredibly well into the late game, boasting massive burst damage and crowd control to lock enemies down.

Weaknesses: He is extremely squishy and can be taken out before casting his abilities in team engagements. Additionally, his abilities are skill shots that require precision and timing.

Strengths: Urgot is tanky and deals consistent damage, making him a formidable opponent in lane and during team fights. His ultimate has great zoning capabilities.

Weaknesses: Urgot can be countered by champions with high mobility and crowd control. His reliance on positioning can sometimes limit his effectiveness.

In conclusion, understanding the tier list in League of Legends: Wild Rift is essential for players seeking to improve their gameplay and win rates. Players should take note of each champion’s strengths and weaknesses, as this knowledge will help them make informed decisions in champion selections and gameplay strategies. Whether a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the franchise, mastering the champions within each tier can be the key to securing victory and climbing the ranks in the competitive hierarchy of Wild Rift.

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