Loop Dungeon Tier List

Tier List - MagicFind Studio

Updated on August 30, 2024

Loop Dungeon is a revolutionary take on the idle gaming genre, merging fast-paced combat with strategic management and roguelike elements. In this immersive world, the heroes never stop fighting for glory and treasures, even when you aren’t actively playing. This allows players to reap the rewards of their strategies overnight, making the game both accessible to newcomers and strategically complex for veterans. As you delve deeper into the dungeons, you will discover that your choices in hero enhancement, equipment selection, and exploration routes will greatly influence your success. Each venture into the dungeon offers new challenges, colorful terrains, and fierce enemies, making Loop Dungeon a vibrant experience for all players.

Loop Dungeon Tier List 2024 [MagicFind Studio]

To maximize your gameplay, understanding the tier list of characters is vital. This detailed guide will explore various heroes, their strengths, weaknesses, and their ideal uses in exploration and combat scenarios.

Loop Dungeon Tier List

Loop Dungeon: Idle RPG Redeem Codes 2024 [v1.56.56261818]

High-Tier Heroes


Strengths: Solar damage dealer, excellent AoE (Area of Effect) skills, fast cooldowns.
Weaknesses: Low defense; vulnerable without support, dependent on mana management.

Solaris shines as one of the best damage-dealing heroes in Loop Dungeon. With her ability to unleash devastating solar-powered attacks that can hit multiple enemies at once, she clears waves of foes with ease. However, her low defense makes her susceptible to powerful enemies, so players must ensure she is backed by protective allies or defense-boosting equipment.


Strengths: Exceptional tank with damage mitigation, high health pool, taunts enemies.
Weaknesses: Limited damage output, slow attack speed.

As a cornerstone of any solid defense, Thorne excels at drawing enemy fire away from weaker heroes. With skills that allow him to absorb damage and protect his allies, he is often the first choice for players looking to build a strong team composition. However, he may struggle against bosses due to his limited damage output, suggesting the need for supplementary damage dealers in a team.

Mid-Tier Heroes


Strengths: Strong evasion abilities, versatile gameplay.
Weaknesses: Randomness in skill activation, relies on luck for optimal performance.

Mirage offers a unique playstyle centered around evasing enemy attacks and dealing damage in return. The balanced mix of offensive and defensive abilities makes him a player favorite; however, the unpredictability of his skills may hinder performance against tougher foes. Using Mirage requires a strategic mind to mitigate the luck factor and make the most of what he offers.

Barry the Brave

Strengths: Balanced character, adaptable to various roles, great support skills.
Weaknesses: Average damage output; not exceptional in one area.

Barry stands out for his versatility. As a jack-of-all-trades character, he can fill multiple roles depending on the team’s need. His encouraging abilities can boost the output of allies, making him a valuable asset. Players looking for a well-rounded hero will find Barry to be a dependable option, but in high-level play, his average attributes might not carry a team through difficult encounters without synergy.

Low-Tier Heroes


Strengths: Area denial with traps, basic crowd control.
Weaknesses: Slow damage scaling, less effective against high-health enemies.

Glimmer employs a unique strategy centered on setting traps to control the flow of battle. While he can manage groups of weaker enemies with ease, his limitations become apparent when faced with tougher opponents. For those who plan to rely on sustained damage output rather than crowd control, Glimmer may not be the ideal choice.


Strengths: Healing abilities, great for prolonged fights.
Weaknesses: Fragile, underwhelming in direct combat scenarios.

Willow provides vital healing support to teams, ensuring longevity in more drawn-out encounters. Despite being an excellent healer, her fragility means that she requires dedicated safeguards to avoid being taken out early. This makes her a less popular pick among aggressive players who prefer dealing damage rather than playing defensively.


The depth of character interactions and battles in Loop Dungeon ensures that players’ strategies can evolve over time. Continually adapting your roster and equipment based on the encounters you face will keep your gameplay fresh and engaging. Balancing between high, mid, and low-tier heroes can lead to innovative team compositions that will aid in overcoming the dungeon’s challenges. Equip your heroes wisely and identify their synergies to ensure you can conquer the depths and reap the maximum rewards. As Loop Dungeon thrives on player experimentation, the path to mastering its unique and dynamic gameplay will be carved out through perseverance and strategic foresight. Enjoy your adventures, and may your heroes rise to the top!

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