Meda Heroes Tier List

Tier List - Enfeel Inc

Updated on August 8, 2024

In the vibrant and chaotic world of Medal Heroes, players are thrust into an epic journey filled with the thrill of summoning and awakening unique heroes to battle against a formidable demon army. As a medallion summoner, your primary objective is to strategize and form a powerful team of heroes from the 300+ available choices. To help you navigate this realm of heroes, we’ve created a detailed tier list that categorizes these characters based on their strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness in battles.

Meda Heroes Tier List 2024 [Enfeel Inc]

While embarking on your summoning adventure, understanding the tier system enables players to make informed decisions about which heroes to prioritize in their team compositions. Each tier represents varied capabilities, allowing players to optimize their strategies for both PvE and PvP modes. Below is a breakdown of the tiers and a selection of notable heroes from each category.

Tier S

Medal Heroes Codes 2024 [v3.6.1]


Strengths: Zephyr is a powerful support hero with exceptional healing abilities. His skills not only restore health to allies but also grant them shields that absorb incoming damage. His ultimate ability can significantly turn the tide of battles, making him invaluable in any team composition.
Weaknesses: Zephyr’s low offensive capabilities mean he is reliant on his allies to deal damage. Additionally, his healing abilities are less effective against enemies with burst damage, requiring careful positioning and timing.


Strengths: Thorne is a robust tank hero with high defense and crowd control skills. He can taunt enemies, drawing their attacks away from more vulnerable allies. With the ability to sustain heavy damage while controlling the battlefield, Thorne is an essential pillar in any team.
Weaknesses: His damage output is relatively low, and he can struggle against agile opponents who can sidestep his control skills. Additionally, without adequate support, Thorne may not last long against sustained damage over time.

Tier A


Strengths: Flamebringer excels in dealing AoE damage, making him formidable in PvE modes where multiple enemies are present. His fire-based attacks can inflict burn effects, causing damage over time and disrupting enemy formations.
Weaknesses: Flamebringer lacks mobility, making it difficult for him to dodge incoming attacks. Once his abilities are on cooldown, he can be vulnerable to burst damage, especially from assassins.


Strengths: Aria is a versatile mage who excels in single-target damage output. Her abilities can quickly take down enemy heroes, making her a lethal choice for PvP battles. With her charm ability, she can confuse and lead enemies astray, buying time for her teammates.
Weaknesses: While Aria can deal significant damage, she is fragile and can be taken down swiftly if focused. Proper timing and positioning are crucial for her to maximize her potential.

Tier B

Golem Guard

Strengths: Golem Guard is a durable tank featuring high physical damage resistance. He can absorb a lot of damage, making him an excellent frontline defender in various modes. His shield ability can protect teammates during critical moments.
Weaknesses: Golem Guard’s lack of mobility can restrict team strategies, especially in fast-paced battles. His ability to deal damage is quite limited, making him less impactful in terms of killing enemies.

Shadow Dancer

Strengths: Shadow Dancer is a high-speed assassin known for her burst damage potential. Her evasive skills allow her to dodge attacks effectively, making her a dangerous foe in both PvE and PvP encounters.
Weaknesses: Being squishy, if caught without her evasive skills, she can be eliminated quickly. Additionally, her reliance on cooldowns means that her effectiveness can be hindered if abilities are mismanaged.

Tier C

Forest Keeper

Strengths: Forest Keeper has support capabilities with a few area damage skills. He provides decent utility to a team, able to heal allies and deal a small amount of damage in return.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, his overall impact is less significant compared to heroes in higher tiers. His healing capabilities do not scale well into late-game content, rendering him less effective against stronger enemies.


Strengths: Vulcan is known for his explosive damage potential, hence his name. He performs well in chaotic fights where he can catch multiple opponents off guard.
Weaknesses: Vulcan is highly reliant on precise timing and positioning to make the most of his abilities. His lack of surviving options can lead to his quick demise if not played carefully.


Navigating through the Medallion Kingdom will require not just skillful summoning but also an understanding of each hero’s strengths and weaknesses. This tier list serves as a guide for players to make informed choices when assembling their teams. Heroes in ‘S’ and ‘A’ tiers are generally recommended for their exceptional performance, while ‘B’ and ‘C’ tier characters can still be useful when utilized effectively, particularly in more crafted team setups.

As you embark on your journey in Medal Heroes, remember to adapt your strategies based on your team composition and the challenges presented by the demon army. The depth of character development through the Training Camp, along with the diverse PvE and PvP modes, ensures that players always have engaging content waiting for them.

Become the ultimate medallion summoner, and let the battles begin!

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