Path of Titans Tier List

Tier List - Alderon Games Pty Ltd

Updated on August 4, 2024

Path of Titans is an immersive dinosaur MMO survival game that allows players to experience the thrill of being a prehistoric creature. As new features and content updates are continually rolled out, the game’s depth and engagement are undeniable. Players start as hatchlings and can select from a wide array of dinosaur species, each with its unique abilities and characteristics. This tier list will explore the different dinosaurs available in the game, categorizing them based on their strengths and weaknesses, making it easier for players to choose their ideal dinosaur.

Path of Titans Tier List 2024 [Alderon Games Pty Ltd]


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Strengths: Allosaurus is known for its speed and agility. It can cover distances quickly and has a great attack power, making it a formidable predator. Its well-rounded stats allow it to engage in both hunting and defensive maneuvers effectively, positioning it as a top-tier dinosaur.

Weaknesses: While it is fast and powerful, Allosaurus lacks in bulk. Its health pool is not as high as some larger dinosaurs, making it more vulnerable in prolonged engagements.


Strengths: The Spinosaurus is a unique aquatic predator, capable of navigating both water and land. It boasts a high health pool and considerable attack damage, making it suitable for both ambushes and tanking damage in fights.

Weaknesses: However, its size can be a double-edged sword. While it can withstand many hits, its slower movement speed on land compared to other dinosaurs can lead to difficulties when trying to escape or reposition quickly.



Strengths: The Stegosaurus is a powerhouse of defense. With substantial health and tough armor plating, it can endure attacks from most predators. Its tail slam ability can also deal decent damage to attackers, making it a deterrent for foes.

Weaknesses: The trade-off for its incredible defense is its lack of speed. The Stegosaurus is susceptible to faster predators that can outmaneuver it in the heat of battle.


Strengths: As a semi-aquatic dinosaur, Sarcosuchus excels in ambush situations. It has good health and damage, combined with a unique ability to swim effectively, allowing it to hunt prey both in water and on land.

Weaknesses: Its limitation arises from being not as agile on land as terrestrial counterparts. This can sometimes make it a target for quicker dinosaurs that can strike before it can respond.



Strengths: The Triceratops is another highly defensive dinosaur, famed for its three impressive horns and massive frill. It excels in head-on confrontations, capable of intimidating or outright charging foes.

Weaknesses: Despite its strength, the Triceratops is relatively slow. Its inability to maneuver quickly can be a significant disadvantage when fighting more agile opponents or when trying to escape ambushes.


Strengths: Known for its long claws, Therizinosaurus is quite capable of dealing damage while also being able to gather resources efficiently. It can maneuver fairly well compared to more massive dinosaurs.

Weaknesses: However, its health pool is not on par with heavier armored dinosaurs, and its reliance on specific combat skills can leave it vulnerable if caught off-guard.



Strengths: Velociraptors are small and fast, making them excellent for stealth and ambush tactics. They can dart in and out of combat quickly, making it challenging for foes to land hits.

Weaknesses: Despite their speed, they lack significant health and defense. In a direct encounter with larger dinosaurs, they can be overwhelmed quickly.


Strengths: This dinosaur is known for its thick skull, allowing it to headbutt effectively. It exhibits good speed for maneuvering and escaping threats.

Weaknesses: However, its attack power is relatively low compared to larger predators, limiting its effectiveness in the roles of a dedicated hunter.



Strengths: While not a predator, the Diplodocus has significant reach with its neck and tail, providing some area control. It can also act as a great resource gatherer due to its browsing ability.

Weaknesses: Its weaknesses are apparent in battle situations; it lacks defenses and offensive capabilities, making it an easy target for predators.


Strengths: Known for its distinctive crest and ability to produce calls, the Parasaurolophus can communicate effectively with other players and creatures, offering strategic advantages in groups.

Weaknesses: On the other hand, it has low health and damage output. It performs poorly in head-on confrontations against stronger dinosaurs.



Strengths: The Ankylosaurus has formidable armor and a powerful tail club, capable of dealing damage to attackers while resisting incoming strikes.

Weaknesses: Nonetheless, its slow movement and lack of speed make it an easy target for quicker predators, leading to its placement in the lower tier.


Strengths: This small, fast dinosaur can dodge attacks and navigate through dense environments. It has a good chance of evading larger threats.

Weaknesses: However, it suffers from extremely low health and damage output, making it arguably the weakest in combat scenarios. Tactics relying solely on speed can only take you so far.

Path of Titans offers a vast array of possibilities for players to explore, grow, and survive as dinosaurs. Understanding this tier list will undoubtedly enhance gameplay, allow for better character choices, and ultimately contribute to enjoying the numerous adventures that await in the massive world of Gondwa. Each dinosaur brings its unique flavor to the battlefield, and players need to find which one complements their playstyle. As you embark on your journey, consider not just the strengths of a dinosaur but also how its weaknesses fit your strategy. Embrace the challenges, grow your chosen dinosaur, and dominate the world of Path of Titans.

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